Short and sweet
I'm a homeschool mom of three amazing children, writer, speaker, online writing instructor, and avid chocoholic. Those are the hats I love to wear, but who I really am is a daughter of the King learning to live and love with laughter.
Long and deep
I grew up all over the world. As a military brat (and often the bratty form of that moniker) I moved every three years of my life. During my school years I hated all the moving and constantly changing social situations. I mean, middle school in and of itself was bad enough—moving only made it worse. As an adult, I look back and see more positives than negatives though. The crash courses on cultural awareness and fast friendship 101 are lessons that still serve me well.
Home for me was Louisville (pronounced Lu-a-vul), KY. That’s where we always transitioned to for a time and where I ended up graduating from high school and college - GO CARDS!
I moved from Louisville to Georgia and started my family. Life was busy, but good. Then I started writing. Life grew much more complicated as God had more and more to show me about my heart and walk with Him. I saw how much I needed the same healing I was writing for my characters.
What brought me to the healing place I'm enjoying now were beloved friends who never gave up on me, the prayers of God's people - including my three incredible children, and a few amazing ministers/ counselors who have held out the truth and given me the tools to walk with God whole, full, and healthy.
Those treasures from the trenches of life continue to inspire me to write. From typing the words “THE END” on my first novel, there was no turning back. I’ve tried a few times over the years to quit, but God's calling to share my heart is too strong and the stories too loud to ever think I could walk away. Since completing my first novel, I’ve I've published four short stories, celebrated the publishing of five novels with Multnomah and Harvest House, and been blessed to be part of the wonderful writing book entitled A Novel Idea: Best Advice on Writing Inspiration Fiction. If you'd like to learn more about the stories behind my books, spend some time clicking around on the website. There you'll find chapter excerpts and the story behind the stories.
My favorite part of my journey has been learning that I truly am a beloved child of my Heavenly Father. My heart is to share my awesome Daddy with the wonderful people God brings into my life. Even though life is hard, I've learned God is good. I know He has good plans for each and every one of His children.
Here’s to the journey. May you seek and find the One who fashioned you by His hand and lovingly calls you by name.